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The Bottom of the Pool

Thursday, January 1st 2015

When we returned home after almost a week in Georgia for Thanksgiving, our swimming pool was dark green. We could hardly see the bottom. (Normally our saltwater pump generates chlorine, but the water had hit a temperature that was too cold for the pump to do its job, but still warm enough to allow stuff to grow.) We had noticed the day before we left that the tint was changing and knew that we had better get a jump on it to prevent exponential algae growth, but we lacked the opportunity. I was almost scared to look when we got back… and it was even worse than I expected. Unpacking would have to wait. I grabbed my water sample and headed to the pool store.

Tired from our drive and anxious to get settled back home, I wasn’t prepared to take in all of the advice the extremely knowledgeable pool expert began telling me. It wasn’t usually this complicated to get the water clear. I decided to take only the first step. I bought a large container of chlorine shock and left.

It was like magic. Five minutes after adding the shock, we could tell it was working. By the next morning, the water was clear, revealing the sediment and leaves at the bottom to be vacuumed up. Figuring I had stopped the bleeding, I was content to wait a few days before vacuuming. And now, I’m happy to report it’s all beautiful again.

Oh, how I wish cleaning up other more complicated things worked like magic. Things like relationships, messes from mistakes, heartache, and disappointment. Sometimes we can be afraid to take a look at dark waters in our lives. If we stay busy enough, distracted enough, if we just don’t “go there,” maybe we won’t have to see just how bad it has gotten. Maybe your marriage or family has hit an unwelcome temperature, rendering the usual measures ineffective against exponentially growing, murky discontent. What if, by looking at it, you become overwhelmed by all the steps it will take to clear it up?

If I had decided to wait until summer to get my pool in order, it wouldn’t really have mattered all that much. The right chemicals and a little more work would still have yielded the desired result in time for swimming. But, waiting to get a relationship in order can be risky. When we fail to get a jump on it, to stop the source of the bleeding, we might incur more and more damage as the days go by. We might need to see an Expert.

Our heavenly Father yearns for us to turn to Him for strength to face what seems like an impossible situation. Perhaps you really have lacked the opportunity for a deep look, but you know one is necessary. Then, ask Him to make you aware of the opportunity when it comes and courageous enough to take it. The healing process may be complicated, but you don’t have to look at it all at once. He is gracious and kind to give you the first step…a light unto your path.

If the New Year doesn’t feel so new to you, and you need a new approach to old problems, take heart. Our Savior longs to make all things new and beautiful things out of dust. It is my prayer for you this New Year that God will give you hope as you wait patiently for Him and carefully obey the steps He reveals to you, and that these words from Psalm 40 may soon be yours: “I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined to me and heard my prayer. He brought me out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay; set my feet upon a rock and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth. Praise to our God.”

Jo is a Licensed Professional Counselor at St. Mark’s. You can reach her by phone (601- 259-1749) or email (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)).

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