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Upcoming Events

For Your Calendars to the END OF THE YEAR! 
March/April News: 
March 26th: Wednesday Night Workshop at 6 PM in Asbury Hall - We will start our Lenten Study and create our very own Resurrection Eggs! 
April 6th - Tween Night! 4th & 5th Graders are welcome to join us at Asbury Hall from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Big Thanks to Beth & Josh Martin for providing the funds for this tween night meal! If you would like to provide a meal or just provide the funds to pay for a meal, you can SIGN UP HERE. 
April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th - We will have Wednesday Night Workshops for kids PreK - 5th Grade and Nursery available from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. 
April 13th - Palm Sunday - Kids are encouraged to participate in worship by meeting at the entrances of the Worship Spaces and parading into worship waving palms. No sign up required, all kids encouraged! 
April 19th - EASTER EGG HUNT! 9:30 am at the CLC - RAIN OR SHINE - we will host our annual Easter Egg Hunt with over 75 prize eggs and Easter Crafts to do as a family! We want all families to come out and enjoy a morning learning how to bloom in the grace that God has already provided! Egg Hunt Youth Bunny: If you are a Youth looking for service hours - you can receive up to 5 service hours for working our Easter Egg Hunt as a Worker Bunny! Text Anna McGough or sign up in the Youth Building if you would like to sign up. 
April 20th - EASTER SUNDAY! St. Mark's Kids will be taking Easter Class Pictures for our Sunday School classes at 9:30 am and making Resurrection Rolls for snack! 
April 29th  - May 1st - Orange Conference - Anna McGough will be heading to ATL for Orange Conference to learn and grow in her roll as Director of Children and Family. If you would like to know information on what classes she will be taking or what is Orange, contact her. This does mean she will be Out of Office and only available by email or text. If you need anything pastorally or administrative, call the main office and have Thelma Lorentz direct you. 


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@E11th_Hour "Devote yourself to Jesus, His Word, and prayer at Saint Mark's (Acts 6:4)."

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