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When Life Is Not Like It is Supposed to Be- Challenge 2021- 11th Hour


Communion Service-- People are facing grave and immediate challenges in their lives. In this sermon, Rev. Jeff Nesbit focuses on those that are experiencing challenges and he turns to Mark1:29-39 for guidance on how to face those challenges. Listen and see what Pastor Jeff says is the answer to life's challenges.

Janet Langley, Minister of Nurture and Outreach, announces the joining of 34 individuals into the St. Mark's Household of God.

The Praise Team and congregation are led in songs of praise by Stephen Craig: "Holy Spirit", "Blessed Assurance", and "Graves in the Garden". Communion service music is "In Christ Alone."

@E11th_Hour "Devote yourself to Jesus, His Word, and prayer at Saint Mark's (Acts 6:4)."

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